Welcome to the Public Comment space of the NC Peer Support Expert Commission (the “Commission”).


Thank you for providing feedback on the Commission’s recommendations related to the occupational regulation of peer support practice in North Carolina (the “Recommendations”). Your input is important. The comment period will close on September 25, 2020. 

View the Recommendations  

View a document providing background and context for the Recommendations

The Public Comment Process

Please be aware of the following aspects of this process:

  • Comments submitted through this link may be considered public record. They may be disclosed to parties requesting such records. Those disclosures include information that you provide in your comment that identifies you.  
  • If you do not want to be identified, you may submit your comment without information about your identity.  
  • Voluntarily providing identifiable information does not mean that you will be contacted about your comment.  
  • Please limit comments and questions to issues that are specifically related to the Recommendations. Outside issues should not be included in the public comments.  
  • All comments will be considered.  
  • The initial comment period for the Recommendations is 30 days.  An additional 7 day comment period follows if the proposed Recommendations are modified as a result of the initial comment period.


The Commission was established with the task to deliver recommendations to the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services on the occupational regulation of peer support practice and related matters. 

The Commission is composed of a diverse group of experts with representation from various geographical areas, age groups, racial, ethnic, and cross-disability groups, as well as the LGBTQIA community. Members have experience working within organizations that provide Medicaid services and state-funded Peer Support services. Members also are working in peer-run organizations and many are individuals who have lived experience in recovery with mental health and substance use disorders. 

On July 1, 2020, the Commission delivered Recommendations to the Division. The Commission has opened a public comment period to receive feedback from any interested stakeholders on the recommendations. 

“The work of this group represents a significant shift in the way behavioral health policy is developed in NC.  The majority of the Commission members are people that have been directly impacted by mental health and/or substance use challenges, independently convened to address an identified gap to ensure the most effective delivery of peer support in our state.  This group of NC Peer Support Specialists, leaders in recovery, and allies examined national and international standards and authored recommendations for credentialing, oversight and the introduction of safeguards needed for a competent, qualified and well prepared peer support workforce.  This approach to influencing policy and practice change is truly unprecedented in NC and paves the way for current and emerging peer support and leaders in recovery to organize, mobilize and activate sustainable system change” said Cherene Caraco of Peer Voice NC, a statewide movement of people in recovery from mental health and/or substance use challenges. 

CLICK THIS LINK TO PROVIDE COMMENTS. The comment period will close on September 25, 2020. 

Media Contact: Commission member Jennifer Whitfield, WhitfieldJ@southlight.org