Visit: May 5-9th Gastonia The name, “Take Your Heart to Work”, is a Meryl Streep quote that she used in a college graduation keynote speech. The entire quote is the essence of this Curriculum:“Integrate what you believe into every single area of your life. Take your heart to work, and ask the most and best of everybody else, too. Don’t let that get beaten down.”This training focuses on developing a NC CPSS who is well equipped and comfortable with working with other professionals on a treatment team or any Mental Health/ Substance Use Disorder agency. The NC CPSS will serve as an equal partner with unique qualities of lived experience. The trainers’ goals are to provide opportunities, in a caring environment, for the participants to be knowledgeable and marketable in the peer support workforce.This training includes sections on self-monitoring wellness, building relationships, connecting to others and bridging the service gaps.Once the participants embrace how to stay well by using self-monitoring skills and action plans, they are ready to proceed with the main part of the this Curriculum. An emphasis is placed on the Individual’s commitment to the NC CPSS and employer’s Code of Ethics. Of great importance is the ability to support individuals to become more interdependent in the community and less dependent on the service system. Skills in effective communication without judgment, recovery oriented language and cultural competency are the topics learned and practiced in the Building Relationships Section. In the section on Connecting to Others, we will learn about crisis as an opportunity to change, decision-making tools and human rights. In Bridging the Gaps Section we will practice documentation, accessing community resources, substance use disorders and supporting service members and their families.
MAY Gastonia, NC 5th-9th
Partners BHM
901 S. New Hope Road
Gastonia NC 28054
Auditorium...far right of the Main Front Door