Submitted by NCCPSS Admin on Wed, 05/02/2018 - 1:18pm
The North Carolina Peer Support Specialist Program is undergoing some changes. These changes will affect the application, recertification, and the course development and submission processes. Please take note of the changes outlined on this flyer and the effective date of July 2, 2018. Any mail post marked June 30, 2018 will be subject to these new changes.The North Carolina Peer Support Specialist Program is undergoing some changes. These changes will affect the application, recertification, and the course development and submission processes. Please take note of the changes outlined on this flyer and the effective date of July 2, 2018.
Any mail post marked June 30, 2018 will be subject to these new changes.
Changes include:
- Certification / Recertification application fee will be $20.00
- Introducing a new wallet size card (to be added to certificates).
- Request for lost certificate or wallet size card will cost $5.00
- New application forms will be available on website
- Course submission fee is $800.00 per course
- New course submission protocol and forms will be available on PSS website
- NCCPSS 40 hour courses for approval will only be accepted 1-7 April and 1-7 October every year.
- Courses not approved within one year of submission will require resubmission with the required fees (see # 5)