20 Hours Additional Training Resources
This resource list is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all possible training that could count towards your required 20 hours of additional training for certification or recertification. Along with these organizations, you can contact a Certified Trainer to see if they offer additional courses, such as Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP), Person-Centered Thinking, etc. A maximum of eight (8) hours of training related to children and families will be accepted. Applicants can also use college credits (if related to mental health, substance use disorder or human services). They must submit an official transcript to count the credits for 20 hours.
*Please note all training must be related to human service, mental health, and substance use.
NCCPSS Program Approved Ethics Training:
To fulfill the Ethics training requirement for certification or recertification, individuals need to complete a minimum of 3 hours of training. These hours are achieved through - Ethics 101 and Peer Support Boundaries sessions. Both Ethics 101 and Boundaries trainings are required to be completed and outside Ethics trainings are not accepted.
Veteran Designation Approved Training:
- "Veteran Peer Support Specialist Training Course 1: Military Culture and Essential Topics" - 3.0 NCCPSS Contact Hours
- "Veteran Peer Support Specialist Training Course 2: Co-occurring Disorders and Treatment Resources" - 2.0 NCCPSS Contact Hours
- "Veteran Peer Support Specialist Training Course 3: Effective Communication and Stress Management" - 3.0 NCCPSS Contact Hours
Click this link to access training: Online Courses | Behavioral Health Springboard
NEW NCCPSS Program Live Webinars:
The North Carolina Peer Support Specialist (NCCPSS) Program, in collaboration with the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Services and NC Certified Peer Support Specialists (NCCPSS), is pleased to offer free training to NC CPSS. These webinars will focus on a variety of topics related to Peer Support. The contact hours can be used for the additional training required for recertification. Click on the link below to view and register!
Click this link to register: https://bhs.unc.edu/nccpss-program-webinar-series
BHS Online Training Resources:
You can take the following training for free online through the Behavioral Health Springboard website. The four courses are the following:
- "Understanding and Preventing Suicide: What You Can Do To Help" - 1.5 NCCPSS Contact Hours NEW
- "Cannabis: What Mental Health and Addictions Specialists Need to Know" - 2.5 NCCPSS Contact Hours
- "Gambling: The Hidden Addiction" - 4.0 NCCPSS Contact Hours
- "Introduction to Individual Placement and Support for Behavioral Health" - 0.5 NCCPSS Contact Hours
- "Quitting Tobacco Too: For People With Substance Use Disorders" - 1.5 NCCPSS Contact Hours
- "Supervising NC Certified Peer Support Specialists" - 3.0 NCCPSS Contact Hours
- "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders" - 3.5 NCCPSS Contact Hours
- "Pregnancy and Opioid Exposure: A training Course to Increase Understanding at Four Key Points of Intervention" - 3.0 Contact Hours NEW
- "Reproductive Life Planning for Substance Use Disorder Services" - 2.50 Contact Hours NEW
Click this link to access training: (https://bhs.unc.edu/nccpss/dashboard)
External Training Resources:
Mental Health First Aid, USA – An 8-hour certification course in responding to mental health crises, find a course near you:
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers a Peer-to-Peer course and other courses at various locations across North Carolina. On their webpage, click on the link “Your Local NAMI” to find what training they offer in your county: http://naminc.org
North Carolina Interventions (NCI) is a “standardized training program to prevent the use of restraints and seclusion, created and supported by DMH/DD/SUS and used in various DMH/DD/SUS community agencies and state facilities.” To find a trainer near you: http://www.ncdmh.net/nci-public/
Doors to Wellbeing offers wellness training: https://copelandcenter.com/
Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) is provided through Advocates for Human Potential: Home - AHP
SAMHSA – Offers WHAM training, which would count for certification/recertification
Health Knowledge offers a variety of free online courses that relate to behavioral healthcare. "Older Adult" trainings will meet criteria for COAPS recertification designation hours if chosen: http://www.healtheknowledge.org
Magellan Health offers free online continuing education courses for Peer Support:
Relias Learning offers a variety of online courses that relate to human services:
Quantum Units Education offers mental health and substance abuse online courses. "Older Adult" trainings will meet criteria for COAPS recertification designation hours if chosen: http://www.quantumunitsed.com/
“NC AHECs provide continuing education courses covering a variety of evidence-based topics in substance use and mental health. For more information or to view upcoming programs, visit: https://www.wakeahec.org/courses-and-events”
E4 Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Disparities in Aging provides continuing education specific to adult aging and human services. These trainings will meet criteria for COAPS recertification designation hours if chosen. For more information, visit: Webinars – E4 Center