Hackett Bacon, Anita

Anita Hackett Bacon is a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor for Asheville Comprehensive Treatment Center in Asheville North Carolina.  There, she provides daily counseling for clients recovering from opiate addiction. Anita was certified in 2019 with the state of North Carolina as a Peer Support Specialist and functions as the Program Director for Jordan Peer Recovery's Sober Living Facility - House of Victory.

Anita has been working in the field of substance abuse for over 30 years as someone with lived experience. While raising 4 children she returned to school to obtain her high school diploma, multiple certifications, and an associate degree in Human Services. After Anita received her diploma and numerous certification it was her children that encouraged her to pursue a college degree. While working as a fulltime bus drive and custodian Anita decided to embark on journey that lead ultimately led her to the profession that she currently serves.

Before solidifying her place as a Recovery Specialist, she held various positions from school custodian, to bus driver, health tech for child with developmental disabilities, support for adults with special needs, to Mary Kay. Eventually, Anita enrolled into a community college and began to sharpen her focus. Once Anita stated working with the adult population with substance abuse issues, she knew that she had found her calling. She understood how to support and guide others using her life experience and academic training.

Anita quickly changed her major and enrolled in the Human Service program. She faced divorce, displacement, unemployment, abuse, and depression, but never stopped pursuing her goals. Anita never stopped serving women who were dealing with substance abuse issues.  Upon graduation from Delaware County Community College with an Associate Degree in Human Services, she immediately put her credentials to use.

Anita has served as house Manager for men that are re- entering society after extensive stay in the Pennsylvania State Mental Hospital. (Resources for Human Development in Philadelphia Pennsylvania). At that same program she was promoted to Program Manager for Wellsprings Supportive Housing in Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania. Anita served clients that were living in the community that had severe mental challenges that would otherwise keep them in a state institute. Her track record proves that she helps people learn to stand on their own two feet with the help of a support system.

Anita is doing what she enjoys - serving women that are transitioning back into the community after being homeless, penniless, and hopeless. The possibility of building a National Training and Technical Assistance Center would allow her to share her life experience with others that are both in recovery and seeking economic mobility.  Anita is a prime example of what can be done with hard work and dedication to professional development.

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