Lee, Michael, CPSS

Prior to working as a North Carolina Peer Support Specialist, Mr. Lee utilized his passion of helping others by providing mentorship, career coaching, and other acts of kindness while guiding, directing and counseling individuals towards discovering and pursuing their most immediate and achievable career goals, Mr. Lee offered himself voluntarily, purely from his passion of wanting to assist others to succeed in life. That same passion is nurtured and pursued on a daily basis as Mr. Lee utilizes his experiences, strengths, and motivation to help others navigate through, and advocate for a higher quality of life that we ourselves and our peers so deservedly want and need.

Michael Lee is a North Carolina Certified Peer Support Specialist (NCPSS), Qualified Professional (QP), North Carolina Peer Support Facilitator, WRAP Level II Facilitator, Course Developer, Personal Wellness and Mental Health Advocate.

Mr. Lee utilizes his Wellness Toolbox to assist peers with identifying factors that promotes Personal Wellness and Recovery through the Five Key evidence-based Concepts of Recovery developed by Mary Ellen Copland.